One of the leaders in the GBS (Global Business Services) industry in Poland
Over the past 20 years, he has held global managerial positions at companies such as Hitachi, IBM, and PricewaterhouseCoopers. Tomasz has managed teams in Poland, Asia (Malaysia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan), and the United States.
As Vice president in charge of GBS/GFSS organisations he did report to Executive Committee or EC+1.
For many years, he has been involved in supporting collaboration between business and education, particularly focusing on shaping the competencies needed for the future labor market.
Tomasz is a member of the Supervisor Board/Council of the Krakow University of Economics and co-author of the new practical study program in Global Business Services at UEK, which he invited over 30 global corporations operating in Krakow to help create.
On many occasions Tomasz has acted as an ambassador of the GBS industry in Poland – meeting and advising executives of global corporates (CXOs) – interested in setting up their operations in Poland. He has frequently served as a speaker and member of program advisory boards for global conferences focused on GBS-related topics.
Tomasz is a graduate of the European University „Viadrina” in Frankfurt (Oder). He has studied and worked in Germany, Australia, and the USA. He is a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants), the British organization that connects professionals in management, finance, and accounting from around the world.